Posted on 26th March 2025.
Build 2457 is now available.
Changes :
Completion fixes.
NEW browser command line option -res=width,height allows specification of rendering viewport dimensions to improve performance on low specification equipment.
Example infinity.exe -res=512,256
The value chosen is persisted in infinity's configuration file & reused on subsequently opened content. To reset to previous defaults, specify -res=0,0
Upgraded wasmtime to v30.0.2 which resolves lldbg breakpoint failure regression
When raytrace mode [ -rt=0 (rasterizer) or -rt=1 (previously DXR) ] not specified on command line, infinity initializes with the same mode it was launched with last time so explorer launched content (double click on some .xsg) can load as desired.
Infinity Free Edition is now available. Save disabled, hardwired start zone - Try before you buy.
Third person view controls - press F2 to toggle 1st/3rd person view.
Tabbed browsing added to webpage panel navigation.
Browser: ctl-win key toggles browser UI on/off.
Web Assembly secure sandboxes - delivered by wasmtime.
Multi-user mode.
Video delivery via GStreamer
Infinity Professional
Warning: Infinity Shader for 3dsmax is unavailable at this time. Do not use.
Earlier refinements ...
Positional audio works with video & audio emitters. Not currently implemented for webpages, which play globally for now.
In the event of any difficulties or excessive footprint, zap your Infinity cache, which can be found here :
<><> Infinity Raytracer : Enable using command line switch: -rt
When raytracer is enabled, it can be toggled on & off using the F3 key
Render quality can be adjusted using the command line switch -smooth=n
Where n is 1 to 4
This can be used in combination with the rt switch, however multi-sampling requires significant GPU resources
so only smooth a raytraced scene if you have a very fast GPU or Infinty will run too slowly to be useful.
Infinity Pro
To ensure 3dsmax Plugin.UserSettings.ini is correctly configured, you may need to install as Administrator.
Content captures delivered to [ProgramData]/Infinity/media
C++ web assembly example code is now available.
Link: Example project
Infinity can now be run in multi-user mode. Up to 10 users per group for now.
You are auto-allocated into a group or specify -group=NameOfYourGroup on command line to start/join one of your own.
-name="MyName" on command line to override system username with whatever you want to be identified as.
You can talk to other users by toggling the address bar into talk mode by clicking on the icon to the right of the bar.
Each user is randomly assigned a placeholder avatar for now.
Single user version still available in case multi-user has problems or you don't want to use it.
Oculus Rift support - to activate, plug it in - will autodetect.
Use -desktop command line switch to bypass and use desktop instead when rift is connected.
Added level of detail support. Tutorial to follow.
New avatar (toggle third person mode using F2 key)
Move using mouse, cursor keys or gamepad (xbox 360 compatible). Shift runs.
Infinity Professional
Blender tools & tutorial upgrade.
Infinity Professional For 3D Studio Max
Infinity shader now supports selected polygon visualize.
Light shadow map on/off exported correctly & support added in Infinity Shader. Only one shadow casting light for now (directional or spot)
Check out Infinity Shader : real-time max viewport shader featuring custom shadow mapping (from one spotlight or directional for now).
Please also see animation trigger example (tutorial 2).
Infinity Professional For Blender
Now available from products page.
Infinity Professional For Lightwave
Requires Lightwave for Windows/64.
See release notes (after installing) for quickstart guide.
Open beta continues.